Adding Value

We see all our client relationships as partnerships and it as our job to ensure your business thrives through the people that you hire. But that does not mean just the people we hire for you, we are consultants and not agents.  When you engage in a partnership with us, look beyond the terms of business, we offer so much more.......

    Internal Recruitment Strategy:  be it you need advice on how to set up a successful employee referral scheme or how to succession plan effectively, we are here to help you source the candidates you can find, leaving us those you can’t

    Employer Branding you may want to know what candidates are looking for that will make you ‘the employer of choice’ and how to market your organisation to prospective candidates via social media.  We do that every day and can pass on our expertise.

    Job Advert Guidance:  make your direct adverts stand out more, be easier to find and bring the job to life. Reflect your culture and what you can offer to candidates, not just what you want from them.  It’s easier when you know how and seen what does and doesn’t work.

    Interview Assessment Guidance & Training:  Interviewing is not easy, it’s not something most Managers get trained on.  Yet it is so important in finding the right candidate for their team.  It’s about ensuring you have the best person for the job, not the best at interviewing, and ensuring you have the right assessment tolls in place for finding both the right behaviours and skills.

We are here to help you in all areas of your recruitment operation, not just those that show up on your P&L.

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